Axelrad Capital


Not At Lenders Are The Same!

Why We Are The Best

We Reward Experience and Measure Relationships!

As a private money lender our commitment to helping you become a successful investor or enhancing the value of an already thriving one drives our high approval rate. Furthermore, there’s a clear reason we confidently state, “no credit required, no money needed, and bankruptcy isn’t an issue.” This is because we are seasoned professionals who collaborate with other experienced experts.

All Streams Lead To The Ocean

We are experienced in many forms of real estate investment and do local deals all the time. Within our team we have many connections and avenues we can use to assist our clients with. Please see our Find My Buyer Program.  If you need support on a deal we are happy to assist you!

Our Team
Mission & Vision


We lead in the industry in speed, cost, and reliability.

Our mission is change the lending industry with new standards of ease, reliability and to lower costs for our borrowers.


We aim to build long term relationships and aid our clients' success

As a private money lending company we are committed to being a valued partner to our clients’ operations. We reward experience and deeply value relationships and partnerships. Rome was not built in a day and we see our success as our ability to be an aid to support your vision & goals. 

Bryce Axelrad

Bryce is a serial entrepreneur who is passionate about investing. Started his career in commercial construction and took that experience into realty, residential flipping and remodeling.  Bryce enjoys connecting with fellow investors and aims to be of service.


Loan Administration

Nate Jackson

Nate started his real estate journey as a wholesaler, successfully running his own business. He is highly skilled in fix and flip, buy and hold, and creative finance strategies. Nate has dedicated significant time, energy, and capital to ensure that your deals are fully funded and successfully closed, giving you peace of mind. Throughout his career, he has learned from top Real Estate Investment Companies and investors in the country, building his expertise and confidence in the art of real estate investing. In addition to applying the principles of sound investing, Nate offers essential systems and tools that enable Axelrad Capital to strategically invest and improve the quality of its lending products, all while delivering maximum value to its investors. Moreover, Nate is always available for you to rely on when analyzing your real estate deals.



Transactional Coordinator

Appraisal Board

 Private Ethic Board

Texas Agent Board

National Agent Board

Fair Lending Laws

Free Credit Report

Investment Resources